The Bethel Church 21 Day’s Corporate Fast
Consecrating For a Purpose
November 4, 2024 - November 25, 2024
It has been my belief for many years that we live
by the application of biblical principles and practical precepts that give
governance to our lives. One of my most challenging quotes and beliefs that I
try to live by and encourage others to live by say’s this, “Anything that you
won’t do intentionally, will never happen accidentally.” Herein lies the reason
for this vision step that we must challenge ourselves with as an Apostolic
Ministry. Souls are not being won to Christ through the ministry of The Bethel
Church. This is an absolute abomination to the Name of Christ for us to be a
Church with the power, influence and anointing that we have and yet we are not
winning souls. We are the Church on a hill that points to the sky, with a
blinking light on top of the cross so that all who fly through the sky can see
and avoid possible danger. We must extend our voice to the world beyond the
walls of the physical structure, and resist being lackadaisical in our
evangelical enthusiasm.
In order to break things in the natural we must
break them in the spiritual. We must double down on our commitment to being
true living epistle and devoted disciples to the work of ministry. As the
Apostolic Overseer of The Bethel Church, I am challenging you to join me in a
21 day Liquid Fast to bring more depth to our spiritual devotion. Not only is
the challenge going to be fasting, but there will be 21 days of intentional
prayers designed to invoke the presence and power of God
Bethel Church 21-day liquid fast plan involves consuming only liquids, such as
water, broths, fresh juices, smoothies, and herbal teas. This kind of fast can
be physically challenging and may not be suitable for everyone, so it’s essential to consult a healthcare
professional before starting. Below are the extensive details and a general
1. Hydration: Drink plenty of
water throughout the day (8–10 cups) to stay hydrated.
2. Nutrition: Incorporate
nutrient-dense liquids to maintain energy and support the body during the fast.
3. Rest:
Since calorie intake will be lower, it’s
important to rest more than usual to avoid fatigue.
4. Gradual
Transition: Prepare your body before the fast by eating
lighter meals for a few days leading up to it.
1–7: Intro Phase
phase helps your body adjust to liquid-only consumption.
• Morning:
• Start with warm water with lemon or herbal tea.
• Follow with a nutrient-rich smoothie (e.g.,
spinach, cucumber, avocado, chia seeds, almond milk).
• Mid-morning:
• Fresh vegetable juice (carrot, celery, beetroot, ginger, etc.).
• Lunch:
• Pureed vegetable soup (broth-based, blended
smooth, such as sweet potato or tomato soup).
• Afternoon:
• Green juice (kale, spinach, cucumber, apple,
• Evening:
• Bone broth or vegetable broth (for electrolytes
and minerals).
• Night:
• Chamomile or peppermint tea for relaxation.
8–14: Detox Phase
this phase, your body will enter a deeper detox state, and energy levels might
• Morning:
• Start with warm lemon water or herbal tea.
• Follow with green juice (add ginger or turmeric
for anti-inflammatory benefits).
• Mid-morning:
• Coconut water for hydration and electrolytes.
• Lunch:
• Blended vegetable soup (broccoli, zucchini,
garlic, vegetable broth).
• Afternoon:
• Smoothie with protein powder, almond butter,
and greens.
• Evening:
• Pureed butternut squash soup with spices
(cumin, turmeric).
• Night:
• Herbal tea (ginger or dandelion root for liver
15–21: Deeper Cleansing Phase
final phase is more focused on broths, water, and herbal teas to encourage
deeper cleansing.
• Morning:
• Warm water with lemon or apple cider vinegar.
• Green juice with spirulina or chlorella for
added nutrients.
• Mid-morning:
• Fresh coconut water or light vegetable broth.
• Lunch:
• Clear vegetable or bone broth (you may add
blended veggies for thickness).
• Afternoon:
• Fresh juice (cucumber, celery, lemon, mint) or
herbal tea.
• Evening:
• Light broth, possibly with miso or seaweed for
extra minerals.
• Night:
• Chamomile or valerian root tea for relaxation.
the Fast (Post Day 21):
a liquid fast should be done gradually to avoid shocking the digestive system.
Start by introducing soft foods like:
• Steamed
vegetables or fruit.
• Smoothies.
• Small
portions of whole grains like quinoa or brown rice.
reintroduce solid foods over the next 3–5 days, depending on how you feel.
Additional Tips:
• Supplements: Consider taking
electrolytes or a multivitamin to ensure you’re
getting essential nutrients.
• Rest:
Make time for relaxation, prayer, meditation, or gentle activities like
• Signs
to Stop: If you feel extremely weak, dizzy, or
experience other negative symptoms, it’s
essential to stop the fast and consult a doctor.
Remember that this fast is not to dictate or
limit your liquids, but to serve as a source of direction to help you to get
the best spiritual and physical benefits of the fast. You will be denying your
flesh, therefore your warfare is going to be very intensive. We will engage in
some scheduled spiritual activities to help in building up our spiritual man.
God Bless You as you consider joining us in this time of consecration.
Carlos L. Malone, Sr.